Not every wrestler who worked for JIM CROCKETT PROMOTIONS could headline a wrestling card.
Someone had to work underneath at mid-card or lower level to fill out a show.
But that certainly didn't mean that these guys didn't give their all, night after night, to give the audience their admissions' worth.
And because of their great efforts, I would like to give recognition to some of the many guys who fit into this category, at least, during their tenure with JCP.

Worked in JCP during his rise in the business, achieved higher success in other territories.
Very popular with the fans. Often teamed with ABE JACOBS or GEORGE 'Catalina' DRAKE in tag team action at mid-card level, or worked as a single lower down the card. Did headline some lesser cards in tag matches in the smaller towns. Sadly, Lindsay died immediately following a match at Charlotte's PARK CENTER.
Also was a mid-card tag partner with ABE JACOBS and one of the better "young lions" (as David Crockett would say). A semi-final singles competitor as well.
Never really got any push at all with JCP, worked in single and tag matches. I'm sure I saw Grabmire in person and on TV fifty times, and he never got his hand raised. But he always did a great job of selling and losing to guys much smaller than he.
Many may not know or remember that this man worked as a tag team partner with 'Sir' NELSON ROYAL when Nellie first came to JCP in the early-mid sixties. Royal did his 'babyface' turn while tagging with THE VIKING. With or without ROYAL, THE VIKING was a good mid-card heel, either in singles or team contests.
(a face only a mother could love)
went on to become a big-time performer, but paid some undercard dues in JCP in the mid-1960s on his way up, teaming often with Bobby Shane.
(Randy, of course, went on to become a superstar in that northern wrestling company as 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.)

(a face only a mother could love)

went on to become a big-time performer, but paid some undercard dues in JCP in the mid-1960s on his way up, teaming often with Bobby Shane.
wrestled in JCP in the early 1960s. Had a few smaller town main events teaming with George 'Two Ton' Harris, but mostly was undercard. Later went on to become a very successful manager.
(Gordon Nelson & Geoff Portz)
Great mid-card team in the late 1970s, great workers who were always entertaining.