I know that nothing can last forever.
While we have certain things, we tend to take them for granted. These things can range from cars, houses, school to family members, friends, etc.
After they are gone, we must rely on our memories, talking with others, and in some cases, recorded images of the things we hold close to our hearts.
Throughout the years, I have taken a good bit of criticism from some folks for being a fan of professional wrestling.
"Why do you like that stuff?"
I have been asked that question more than once.
My blow-off answer is usually something like, "I guess the same reason you love NASCAR or the NFL or college basketball. Most of us all have the same emotions. We choose to direct them at different things."
And since I was eight years old, wrestling has been a part of my life, and I have never regretted it.
I do regret what has happened to the wrestling business over the last forty years, that the business today is, for the most part, controlled by one or two individuals. That the workers of today don't have the established territories of years ago to improve their talents (yes, there are indie promotions out there, but it isn't the same as going from JIM CROCKETT to EDDIE GRAHAM to DORY FUNK SR.)
And for everyone who is affected negatively by the business as it exists today, I am saddened.
But, nothing can last forever.
Below are photos of some of the folks who were fortunate enough to work in the 'heyday' of the business.
This match was in 1968. (The referee is ANGELO MARTINELLI.)
(At least, for the time being.)
(I witnessed one such encounter of these two at the original CHARLOTTE COLISEUM. KINISKI took two falls of three to remain champ.)
(In my opinion, the top two women wrestlers of their era.)
(Referee SAM 'Lucky' ROBERTS observes.)